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Home Toilet Maintenance

There is no feeling in this lifetime worse than flushing the toilet and seeing nothing go down; we can confidently declare it without exaggeration. Conversely, things begin to rise, including a lot of stuff you don't want to have to pick up off your bathroom floor.

A blocked toilet can happen for a number of reasons, such as using too much toilet paper or having something foreign get stuck within. Even while it might not always work, a plunger is an intelligent place to start. Despite the usefulness and simplicity of plungers, most of us are unaware of how to properly use toilet plungers.

What Are The Functions Of A Toilet Plunger?

Using a toilet plunger is straightforward, really. The rubber traps water between the toilet's hole and the blockage, creating an airtight seal around the opening. The plunger first creates pressure and then a vacuum above the obstruction to push force through the toilet blockage.

The pressure that is created when you plunge down forces the clog down the drain, whereas the vacuum that is created when you plunge up forces the clog upwards. Water is pushed with enormous force towards the obstruction when you press down on the plunger.

This might be sufficient to move it and restore the functionality of your toilet. If the obstruction is at the S-trap, a plunger can clear the obstruction; however, if the obstruction is too far down the drainpipe, the plunger may be ineffective.

If it doesn't work, you can get a lot of suction by pulling back on the plunger. This may also aid in clearing the obstruction. You must understand that moving the clog a little distance is not your main objective. The water pressure will be sufficient to clean it out and restore functionality if you can simply get it to move slightly.

Plunging Techniques For Successful Unclogging

Use the right plunger

For the best results, choose the plunger according to the recommendations given later below. Check for your requirements and choose the most appropriate plunger for the task.

Plunge straight

If you angle your plunge, the seal may break away because the force won't be as significant. Pull or push vertically up and down while keeping your body straight to make the most of your pumps.

How To Unclog A Toilet With A Plunger

It's time to demonstrate how to unclog a blocked toilet now that you've had a crash course in plunger theory. If you don't want to risk coming into contact with toilet water, you'll need a proper plunger, some rubber gloves, and perhaps some Vaseline to spread on the cup to create a tighter seal.

Clear your space

There is always a likelihood that you will flush a bit of filthy water out of the toilet no matter how careful you are. Move any clothing, mats, or reading material out of the way before you begin. If you want to be extra cautious, you can also spread out some used towels or rags.

Don't remove water unless necessary

You shouldn't remove any of the liquid within unless the bowl is so full that you can't plunge without spilling water everywhere. Water must be present, at the very least, to cover the plunger's head. Since air cannot combat a thick wad of toilet paper, doing this guarantees you'll have enough water to clear the blockage.

Begin slowly

We are well aware of your anger for this clog. Clogs are notorious for causing frustration; regardless of your patience level, you will want to send it as dramatically to hell as you can. Nevertheless, the initial plunges ought to be moderate and delicate. This not only reduces the likelihood of creating a mess, but there's a high possibility you won't have to work harder than usual to unclog the blockage, depending on its severity.

During the initial plunge, air will also be present in the plunger's cup. If you plunge too hard, that air may be driven out, breaking the seal and sending toilet water flying back your way.

Maintain a constant rhythm

It's time to get serious after you've given it a couple of gentle motions. As you increase the energy of your strokes, establish a consistent rhythm to avoid breaking the seal. It might take you 15 to 20 plunges to obtain success because it can take some time to pry the clog clear. Again, don't break your seal. You could even incorporate the odd superman dive to try to rattle the obstruction loss.

Use a chemical drain opener

While using a toilet plunger to clear a clog is a wise initial move, there is one circumstance in which you should never do so: after pouring a chemical drain opener (such as Drano) into the bowl. The chemicals in the toilet could spill back over you if you plunge them while they are still inside, harming your eyes or skin.

Before plunging, wait until you're sure the toilet is empty, or hire a professional. Even better, avoid using any of those chemicals at all in your toilet. They are not only less efficient than plunging, but they can also harm your pipes' plastic or porcelain.

Try warm water

All you need for this procedure is a big bucket and warm water. The water should be warm, but it shouldn't be boiling, so use a water heater for this. Your toilet bowl could fracture if you pour hot water into it, which would make things worse for you. Add warm water straight into the toilet. The heat and water movement will break down the clog and clear blockage.

Vinegar and baking soda

If you want to relinquish a bit of control, you can always unclog a toilet drain with vinegar and baking soda. This requires no disassembling of the pipes or hands-on work whatsoever.

Do this if your toilet’s clogged:

• Add 2.25 cups of vinegar into a bowl (cheapest or most convenient type of vinegar)

• Add a half cup of baking soda after that.

Pour in the cocktail and let the mixture sit for one-two hours (the longer, the better), then try flushing the toilet. It's likely that the vinegar and baking soda have cleansed your pipes and eaten away at the clog. You can have a sparkling clean bowl without using expensive chemicals if you scrub the bowl with the toilet brush in the morning.

Bathroom auger (toilet snake)

A toilet auger tool is typically only used by plumbers, but if you frequently have blocked toilets, it's an excellent investment. The toilet auger functions as a little snake that enters the toilet's trap. Due to its flexibility, it will conform to your toilet's curve and prevent scratches.

To expand the auger, unwind it and place it within the bowl. Once you are done using it, move it back and forth a few times before rinsing it off in the water. The trap will be clear if you flush the toilet to see if it works.

Choose The Right Plunger

Every plumber is aware that to clear a clog, the right plunger must be used. You should select a plunger that is barely larger than the drain opening because they exist in a variety of diameters for various types of drains.

You must decide between the standard and flange plungers. The cup of a conventional plunger looks like a simple half-sphere, and a flange plunger has an extension that increases its effectiveness when plunging a toilet.

Be sure you have the correct plunger before you begin. There are three different types of plungers, each with a specific purpose. Let's examine your options and disclose which one is the most effective for plunging into a toilet.

Types Of Plungers

Red rubber cup plunger

Typically, when people think about plungers, they picture something like this. A straight, generally wooden, handle and a rubber cup with a red colour make up a sink plunger. These plungers are only effective when used on flat surfaces.

To create the vacuum needed to remove the clog, the cup must sit flat over the drain. This plunger is useless in toilets because the shape of the bowl prevents the correct seal from forming. It is possible to acquire both positive and negative pressure using this plunger.

When the cup is forced downward, positive pressure is produced, and when it is withdrawn away from the fixture and into the vacuum, negative pressure is created. Bathroom sinks, kitchen sinks, tubs, or anything else with a flat surface can all be used with this plunger.

Flange plunger

Although it is referred to as a toilet plunger, this plunger can fit in almost any drain. The cup of this plunger is similar to a sink plunger, but it also contains a soft rubber flap that unfolds from the cup's interior. The fold-out flap covers the curved toilet drain with a good fit, creating the required suction.

The plunger can be used as a cup plunger by tucking the flange (soft rubber flap) inside the cup. Although this plunger is quite adaptable, we do not suggest using it on sinks and toilets at the same time. Cross-contamination could result from this, which is unhygienic. Use this plunger in sinks and toilets (with folding).

Accordion plunger

The accordion plunger is the best of the three types of plungers we've discussed so far for unclogging your toilet, but it's still not our top choice. These objects are made of hard plastic and have a little cup on one end that fits over toilet holes. An accordion structure directly beneath the cup allows you to apply pressure; this structure ends in a plastic handle resembling a baseball bat.

If you can get accordion plungers to work, you will be able to exert a lot of pressure. Even experts sometimes struggle to get them correctly sealed since there is a steep learning curve. You'd also need to own several plungers because they're only useful in toilets. Toilets are the only place to use this plunger.

Toilet plunger

Here is our first recommendation for clearing clogged toilets. The fact that it is commonly referred to as a "toilet plunger" is a clear indicator that this is the correct one. A toilet plunger is identical to ordinary plungers in appearance, with the exception that a soft rubber flap protrudes from the cup.

This flap is ideal for plugging the hole in your toilet and sealing it with a vacuum, which makes it simple to generate a lot of suction. Even better, you can tuck in the flap if you need to use the device as a conventional plunger to clear a clog in a vessel other than a toilet.


Will a clogged toilet eventually clear itself?

Yes, a clogged toilet may self-unclog after some time, depending on what is clogging it. But this does not always happen. The majority of toilets require a plunger or a snake to clear a clog.

Is it bad to leave a clogged toilet unattended all night?

No. You can use a combination of bicarb and vinegar; for example, they may dissolve overnight and unclog the toilet on its own or with only a minimal amount of plunging. The only issue should be if the toilet has an unpleasant odour, which can be upsetting to some people.

What kind of liquid can I use to unclog my toilet?

Toilets can often be cleared out with dish soap. You can successfully unclog toilets by pouring baking soda and vinegar into the bowl and letting them sit for a while. Do not use abrasive chemicals, such as acids, down a toilet bowl.

How do you flush poop down the toilet?

As disgusting as it may sound, to plunge into the toilet properly, you must first remove the toilet paper and poop if any is present. With excreta inside, it will be impossible for the plunger to create a tight seal on the bowl outlet.

Hire An Expert To Unclog Your Toilet

It might be unpleasant and embarrassing to have a blocked toilet, but if you have a plunger on hand and know what you're doing, you can typically fix it in a few seconds. Your dependable old toilet plunger can help in this situation.

The toilet plunger may not seem like much, but it has helped countless people avoid embarrassing situations and unpleasant clean-ups. If your clog seems complex and is refusing to go away, hire an expert plumber to unclog your toilet. The expert will know exactly what to do to solve the problem quickly.